Monday, December 20, 2010

Milton's ministry

      Rio Grande Bible Institute is more than just a Bible Institute, it has four different ministries. These include a Bible school which offers a BA with an emphasis on Missions, Christian Education, or Pastoral; the Language School, a program of two intensive semesters of Spanish study; Radio Esperanza (Hope), a nonprofit radio station that is dedicated to sharing the gospel and serving the communities on both sides of the border; and a correspondence school, which serves believers around the world who cannot come to attend the Bible Institute.  I serve in Rio Grande Bible Institute as Bible Teacher and student council counselor. 
Bible Teacher

    I teach Theology II, which covers the doctrine of man, sin, and Christ. In this class, we study the creation of man, original sin and the effect of sin on the human race. We also learn who we are and what we can do to fulfill our humanity, since man is created in the image of God.  With regard to the doctrine of Christ, we study his human and divine nature, his atonement sacrifice, resurrection, and his offices: prophet, priest and king. 

In the Pentateuch class, we focus on the historical events of the Israelites: major characters, important places, and major themes of the books. As we study the books of the Pentateuch, we stress the character of God and we draw principles and apply them to our lives. My desire is not only to help the students know about God but to get to know Him in a more intimate and personal way so that we can serve him with passion.


The Summer Practical Training course helps the student to explore and discover his/her strengths for future ministry as he/she serves under the supervision of a local leader. The internship is a three hundred and twenty hour program in which the student, with the agreement of the pastor, serves in accord with the needs of the church. To qualify for the internship program, a student must have completed the third year of school. I am the supervisor of this program; I help the students to find places for their internships, counsel them, and make agreements with the pastors with regard to the students’ ministries.

Spanish Language Teacher

     In Beginning Conversation, students use all the knowledge of the language to communicate. Vocabulary and basic questions on various subjects are learned in this class.  The course is arranged so that the student has the chance to participate. At the end of the course, students are capable of understanding questions and responding to them, but in the process, God also uses this time to shape the character of the students. Learning a language is not easy; patience and perseverance are important virtues in learning a language, and important for life and ministry.

Mission Trips

Each year I organize short mission trips during Thanksgiving and Easter breaks. We usually send four or five groups out each time.  Students serve the local churches in evangelism, teaching, and preaching, but many times, their ministries are tailored to meet the needs of the local churches. Mission trips give the students a broader vision and make them aware of the urgency of sharing the Good News. My responsibility is to find places of ministry, organize the groups, encourage them, provide transportation, and supply gospel literature and other items needed for the ministry. I also contact the pastors who host the students, to make sure they provide lodging and food for the groups while ministering.

Student Council Counselor

As student counselor, I coach the students to be more responsible men and women. They learn how to work in a team, to plan activities, and to delegate responsibilities. The four members of the student council are selected by the student body and serve a period of two semesters. We meet once a week to plan the activities for the school year; we organize several physical, social and spiritual activities to develop unity in the student body.

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